Currently, we do not have any openings for PhD students or postdocs, but if you would like to apply for a PhD or postdoctoral fellowship to work in our group, please reach out to Dr. Claudia Brunner!
Over the summer we typically also host visiting undergraduate students from Princeton University through the Princeton International Internship Program.
We host students for their bachelor and master theses in the faculty of physics at the Georg August University Göttingen. Projects are either an aspect of a larger experiment we are developing in the group, or a simpler, stand-alone experiment. You could, for example, develop a new turbine for our experiments, or incorporate existing experimental results into a code for turbine modeling. It is important that you enjoy working in an international team, can ask for help when you need it and are willing to help others in the group. We discuss research results and experimental challenges in weekly meetings. The working language in our group is English and the thesis should be written in English. Joining our group gives you insight into the day-to-day of scientific research and is therefore particularly suitable for students considering a career in science. Previous knowledge in the field of fluid dynamics and experience with laboratory experiments are an advantage, but not necessary. If you are interested in conducting thesis research with us, please send an e-mail to Dr. Claudia Brunner in which you briefly introduce yourself and describe what interests you about our research. Please attach your CV and all of your university transcripts.