January 2025: Dr. Akhileshwar Borra joins the research group as a postdoctoral scientist
October 2024: Son Bien joins us for a research internship as part of his master degree
September 2024: Dr. Hyunseok Kim joins the research group as a Sejong Postdoctoral Fellow
June 2024: Alex Rui Wu, Liyen Teoh and Sofia Arora join us as a summer interns from Princeton University
May 2024: Dr. Claudia Brunner is featured in our institute's "Do you have a minute?" YouTube series
April 2024: Fabian Krippenstapel joins the research group for his bachelor thesis
March 2024: Dr. Claudia Brunner receives funding to transition our group into an independent Max Planck Research Group
January 2024: Dr. Yuna Hattori joins the research group as a postdoctoral scientist
September 2023: Mano Grunwald submits his bachelor thesis and stays on as a master student
September 2023: Lorenn Le Turnier joins the research group as a PhD student
June 2023: Our reseach is featured in the local newspaper "Göttinger Tageblatt"
June 2023: Lasha Shamugia joins us as a summer intern from Princeton University
April 2023: Our reseach is featured in the magazine of the Max Planck Society
April 2023: Mano Grunwald joins the research group for his bachelor thesis